Ladies and gentlemen, here is the story of Strung Like a Horse. Sometime in 1983 a junkyard rocket shaped sperm crash-landed into a 1965 Cadillac El Dorado shaped egg (convertible of course) and nine months later, give or take, Clay Maselle horse-kicked his way into a world to which he would never belong. In time he discovered he was not alone. There were other hillbilly misfits living undercover all around him. A born leader, he got four of them arrested for stealing yet another cadillac—a hearse this time—and they became an inseparable unit.
Seeing as how they weren’t employable they turned to the only thing all of them were actually good at… pickin’.
Several years and many thousands of miles later the Strung Like a Horse outfit, now a well-oiled machine, gallops all around this great country.
Don’t miss their signature Americana sound and fiery hot high-energy stage show. Moonshine is optional but recommended. These junkyard dogs bring “honest, playful, headbangingly interactive fun” to any venue their rocket crashes.